Personality Profile Assessment & Workshop

What if you could tap into your greatest motivations and dramatically improve your relationships and accelerate your results? Your personality affects every aspect of your life. That is why one of the best things you can do to grow yourself and others is to understand your personality and what naturally drives you. When you recognize your strengths and weaknesses, you can give your best as you work with people around you.


The DISC assessment identifies four areas: dominant – driver, influencing – inspiring, steady – stable, and compliant – correct. As a member of the John Maxwell Team, Rick is certified to administer and conduct workshops on the Maxwell DISC assessments. The DISC assessment and workshop will help raise your awareness and understanding in the following areas:


  • Your communication style
  • The communication style of others and how you can connect with them
  • Your strengths and limitations
  • Overcoming your limitations
  • Growing your potential
  • Building stronger teams
  • How to better address conflict and personality clashes


“Everything rises and falls on leadership.” John C. Maxwell

The Leadership Game is an interactive, comprehensive tool based on the teachings and writings of John C. Maxwell. The game adds value to teams and aids in improving their leadership intelligence.

The Leadership Game assesses communication, addresses difficult topics, identifies strengths, and highlights opportunities for greatest growth. Thought provoking questions are broken into four categories: leaders, organization, personal leadership, and followers. When your organization plays the Leadership Game, you gain a greater understanding of tried-and-true leadership principles, practices, and values.