The interview
A young man wearing a suit and tie entered the room, introduced himself, and took a seat before an interview panel of which I was participating in. He was seeking a position as a firefighter with our agency and although he had no previous experience, he spoke as if he were a fifteen-year veteran who had fought fires in the Bronx.
I was not impressed and saw too many red flags with this guy. Another panel member posed the question, “Where do you see yourself in five-years?” Without hesitating Andy Arrogant said, “I see myself as the fire chief.” I immediately thought, “Wow! Really!? Are you that arrogant and clueless!?”
Unfortunately, he was brought onto the department and went on to demonstrate his deserving attitude. Fortunately, he went away a few years later, but not before creating a lot of problems.
Serving or deserving
During my career in the fire service, I participated in hiring and promotional processes not only in my fire department, but others as well. Consequently, I had the chance to interview several highly qualified individuals who ultimately became good firefighters and later promoted through the ranks as fire officers. These individuals displayed confidence in their abilities, but they were humble. They desired to serve others.
Unfortunately, there were also people who appeared before the interview panels with an attitude of entitlement portraying an arrogant attitude of, “I deserve this position.” People like this are egotistical, puffed up with pride, and they are selfish. They do not serve others, they serve themselves.
The 24th of this month was Thanksgiving. If you are a person who enjoys serving others, then most likely you are thankful for people, circumstances, and things in your life. On the other hand, if you are someone who believes you deserve everything, then how can you genuinely be thankful for who and what is in your life?
On Thanksgiving, hopefully, you didn’t just stuff your face with turkey, potatoes, and pie; and you pried yourself away from the football game on the idiot box, to be thankful for what you have in your life. Be thankful that God who created the universe has breathed life into your lungs and given you the opportunity to serve others.