Looking at the photo you may wonder what planet these figures just arrived from. The people on the right are wearing Level A fully encapsulated chemical protective clothing and those on the left are wearing Level B splash protection chemical protective clothing. The people on the right are doing through a decontamination process after a hands-on training exercise.
Training and influence
I recently returned from a trip out of state where I helped teach hazardous materials response and incident command to a large group of firefighters, county environmental health employees, and a police officer.
As an instructor, I influenced the men and women in the class. For two weeks, twenty-seven people sat in a classroom and listened as I taught, or they listened during the field exercises as I mentored them through the various hands-on drills we conducted.
Depending on my attitude, style of delivery, and level of concern for the students, my influence on them is either good or bad. Each day before going to class I prayed that I would have a positive impact and influence on the individuals attending the training.
To whom much is given
There is a passage in the Bible from Luke 12:48 that states, “For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”
What have I been given? For starters, life everlasting through Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate in a couple of days. I have also been given good health and have lived longer than many of my relatives.
I have also been given incredible opportunities over the years in both the military and fire service. I have learned and experienced much. Consequently, I firmly believe that it is incumbent upon me to share those experiences and lessons with others so they can grow, develop, and improve. In other words, so I can be a positive, Godly influence in the lives of other people.
What about you?
How about you? How are you influencing others? Is it from a positive or negative standpoint? Are you sharing your experiences and life lessons with others or are you selfishly keeping it to yourself?
At this time of the year, we are in full swing with the holidays and that creates opportunities to visit and communicate with others that we haven’t seen or heard from in a long time. Take advantage of that and be a positive influence in their lives.
To learn more on how I can help you be an influence in the lives of others, contact me at info@impactusleadership.com and visit my website at www.impactusleadership.com. In the meantime, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.
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